Why this blog is weird



This blog is an experiment…

I’ve been blessed with having created a book that was a joy to write and illustrate and that people are telling me they find really helpful in Draw Breath. I want to see how much I can use this new label of ‘author’ to meet other passionate and like-minded individuals on an adventure into breathwork and meditation.

I am approaching these topics as dynamic, living things full of different approaches and opinions, idiosyncrasies and imperfections – I am aiming to meet many of these things head-on as I report back on my own direct experiences.

It is my goal to bring you as many different approaches and opinions as possible so that you can make up your own mind and see what works for you.


In the spirit of meditation I am writing the blog in present tense. The posts are written after the fact but are based on the live notes I am making throughout my experiences.

In the spirit of curiosity, some blog posts will be my own meandering excursions into musing over what I’ve learned so far or delve deeply into a specific topic or experience.

In the spirit of acceptance I will endeavour to report back, to the best of my ability, anything of relevance that crosses my thoughts, feelings and emotions on my adventure – warts and all! This is likely to mean including often embarrassing, occasionally non-sensical and quite possibly offensive information from the front-row seat of my consciousness.

In the spirit of compassion some posts will simply aim to be helpful and applicable guides to various styles of breathing or meditation.

I’m learning video and audio editing as I go so, wherever possible, there will be video or audio content to accompany the blog.

If any of that sounds interesting to you please scroll down and sign up to email updates below to stay in the loop!

Tom Devonald